June 14-16, 2024, marks the 39th anniversary of Miners Memorial in Cumberland. Every year since 1986 community members, organizers, activists, historians, musicians, families and the labour community have come together to commemorate the sacrifices of workers around the world and right here in Cumberland. Although decades have passed since the last mines closed in Cumberland, the memories of mining and the deep sense of grief over the loss of life underground remains.
The coal mines in Cumberland were some of the most dangerous in Canada, killing over 300 miners in accidents and countless others from work-related illnesses. Appalling working conditions compelled miners to organize and connect with unions from across North America and internationally. Cumberland holds an important place in the global story of workers’ rights and Miners Memorial Weekend has shone light on that history and critical social justice work that continues today.
This year, working in continued solidarity, we unite with the Campbell River, Courtenay and District Labour Council to jointly host the 39th annual Miners Memorial events. Together, we will commemorate and pay tribute to the miners who lost their lives at a graveside vigil. We will continue the time-honoured tradition of laying bouquets in memory as a symbol of our renewed commitment to safe and healthy workplaces.
Friday Night’s Songs of the Workers will be held at the Cumberland Cultural Centre. In addition to the traditional graveside vigils, Saturday’s events will include community tours of the Cumberland’s historical downtown, and in Coal Creek Historic Park. Sunday will offer a heritage tour of the cemetery, and the museum will be open, hosting indoor tours. Learn more about the weekend’s events here.
As stewards of the incredible history of the Village of Cumberland, we feel a deep sense of responsibility to honour this day and the countless individuals, families and organizations who have contributed to the remarkable Miners Memorial Weekend legacy in Cumberland. We look forward to standing together in solidarity with our friends and allies to celebrate the 39th annual Miners Memorial.
June 14-16, 2023 will mark the 39th anniversary of Miners Memorial in Cumberland. Every year since 1986 community members, organizers, activists, historians, musicians, families and the labour community have come together to commemorate the sacrifices of workers around the world and right here in Cumberland. Although decades have passed since the last mines closed in Cumberland, the memories of mining and the deep sense of grief over the loss of life underground remains.
We hope you will continue to support this event and join us in-person June 14-16 2024 for a weekend of events.

Take Part
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Lay a Bouquet
Purchase a fairtrade bouquet on behalf of an individual, organization, or union, to be laid during the graveside ceremony. Proceeds support the Cumberland Museum & Archives.